Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And So It Begins....

Well, I've finally gone and done it. I'm officially entering into the blogosphere, going boldly where this middle-aged guy has never gone before. After years of resistance, it's time to bite the bullet, and surrender to the inevitability of needing to bring myself, my ideas, and my passions to the cyber-universe...or, at least the members of it who decide to tune in.

What's it all going to be about, you might be wondering (along with yours truly)? Well, it's going to evolve, but what I know now is that this will be a place where I will share what I know and am inspired to share - in the moment - about walking the Spiritual Path. I won't be limiting it to MY path, but want it to be a general place to explore, share, learn, pontificate, provoke, and connect. While I will be connecting with you out there by sharing myself and my musings, it's truly my hope that you will allow me to connect in a deeper way with who you are by posting comments; sharing your wisdom and your heart; asking questions; and sharing resources that you have found that add to and forward the topics at-hand.

This will be a community learning ground, and - I intend - a place for further growth and expansion into our Divine Brilliance and our re-connection with the best our Spirits have to offer.

My first official post on a specific topic will be next week. I will be posting every couple weeks at a minimum. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts at any time.

Here we goooo.....


  1. I understand what you mean :) I just started one myself this year and as all of our life goes, it grows and evolves. Happy evolving. (((HUGS)))


  2. I look forward to the next of luck with this.

